Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Chose to subscribe to the Libraries and Information Technology News selection of feeds. Also included the Powerhouse Museum. Used Google Blog Search to find two feeds of interest to myself, one relating to pregnancy and the other to stamping.

Had a little trouble at first figuring out how to include the Powerhouse Museum feed but after playing for a little while got it no problem.

Although RSS feeds could be useful I am feeling very much like they could become overwhelming and time consuming to manage. In the library environment they could be used to notify patrons of upcoming events, etc. Having said that and the number of feeds some people may have I would not see this as the most effective way to promoten for us.


Whilst scrolling around for images of Singleton discovered a photograph of the recent works on the Dunnolly Bridge. This was a major project for Council's Works Department. The work was completed and many relieved locals saw the bridge reopen just before Christmas. The reopening of the bridge saw traffic return to normal and the pressure on the New England Highway reduced. http://www.flickr.com/search/?q=dunnolly+bridge&m=text

Monday, December 29, 2008


Let the Learning 2.0 journey begin!